Where can you find a list of statutory, non-statutory consultees and statutory undertakers?

A list of  statutory, non-statutory consultees can be found in the Gov.uk website (Tables 2 and 3 respectively).

The table below gives you a summary of these lists, as well as an overview of the statutory undertakers in planning decisions:

Statutory Consultees Non-statutory Consultees Statutory Undertakers
Adjoining landowners Business Improvement Districts Water suppliers
Canal and River Trust Emergency Services and Multi-Agency Emergency Planning Electricity suppliers
Coal Authority Ministry of Defence Gas suppliers
Control of major-accident hazards competent authority (COMAH) Office of Nuclear Regulation Sewers responsible authority
County Planning Authorities Police and Crime Commissioners Post Office
Crown Estates Commissioners Civil Aviation Authority
Department of Energy and Climate Change
Designated Neighbourhood Forum
Environment Agency
Forestry Commission
Garden History Society
Greater London Authority
Health and Safety Executive
Highways Authority
Highways England
Historic England
Local Highway Authority
Local Planning Authorities
National Parks Authorities
Natural England
Parish Councils
Rail Infrastructure Managers
Rail Network Operators
Sport England
Theatres Trust
Toll Road Concessionaries
Water and sewerage undertakers

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